Saturday, December 25, 2010

De la Tierra. The more RURAL collection of Museo Reina Sofía.

Art works selected in this post are linked to Spanish countryside of the XX.
They can be seen in the permanent collection of National Museum of Contemporary Art Reina Sofia in Madrid. They were chosen by Jesus Carrillo, Chief of Cultural Programs in MNCARS, within the International Conference Campo Adentro held in Madrid the month of October 2010.

All the works can be seen in the Museum's permanent collection, distributed over several rooms on the second floor.

Hermenegildo Anglada-Camarasa, Paisaje (In the wood), 1889. Oil on canvas.
José Ortiz-Echagüe. Lagarteranas (Women of Lagartera). 1925, Charcoal on laid paper.
Ignacio Zuloaga. El cristo de la sangre (Christ of Blood), 1911. Oil on canvas.
Joaquín Mir. El huerto y la ermita (The Orchard and the Shrine). ca. 1896. Oil on canvas.
"España Negra" Travel Notes. Translation and Illustration:  Darío de Regoyos.
José Gutiérrez Solana. La visita del Obispo (The Bishop's Visit), 1926. Oil on canvas.
Julio González, Campesina sentada (Seated peasant Woman). ca. 1920-1925. Oil on canvas.
Manuel Hugué (Manolo). La Llovera, 1910-1911. Terracota modelada. 
Joaquín Torres García. El orador (The Speaker). 1905-1906. Oil on canvas.
Joan Miró. La casa de la palmera (House with Palm Tree). 1918. Oil on canvas.
Darío de Regoyos. La viña (The Vine). ca. 1900. Oil on canvas.
Benjamín Palencia. Pueblos (Villages). 1925. Oil on canvas.
Salvador Dalí. La Jorneta. ca. 1923. Oil on canvas.

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