Friday, February 25, 2011

CDAN The Beulas Foundation's Art and Nature Center. Huesca (Spain)

The aim of the Beulas Foundation is to make the CDAN a leading centre on itineraries focusing on the study of contemporary art to create a territory for art that is capable of generating an image of modern-day Huesca and drawing international attention thanks to its specialisation in distinctive subjects related to art and nature.

The starting point for the CDAN is a desire to identify this new public space as one with meaning – as a new civic milestone for the city and the autonomous community of Huesca; a public spaces that by virtue of the project it embodies and the way it is run can be seen as an indicator of urban quality, and therefore as a significant way of ensuring that new infrastructure generates value for citizens.

The Centro de Arte y Naturaleza offers a regular programme of activities that centre on its two major collections, nature, public space, artistic creation and contemporary culture, all with a strong emphasis on presenting new insights and perspectives. With a determination to set itself apart while reaching out to a broad audience, the CDAN will find its place in international networks that link artistic and cultural spaces by promoting both creative and management exchanges.

The CDAN – structured around the thematic axis of art and nature – is emerging as a living space that is open to the city of Huesca and visitors. The site as a whole is defined by a series of elements with a common identity: the plot donated by José Beulas and María Sarrate, where the couple currently make their home, with two buildings constructed in the 1960s (a house designed by Benosa and a studio by García de Paredes) and a garden that will be linked to the property where the CDAN is situated; a building designed by Rafael Moneo, which serves as the information and management centre; and a yet-to-be-constructed building that will complete existing services. Together this set of autonomous structures will constitute an extension of the city’s public space.
The Beulas Foundation’s Centro de Arte y Naturaleza opens its doors in Huesca with the goal of becoming a leading international centre in all subject areas that relate art and nature to contemporary culture.

The CDAN sets out to achieve this objective with a concept of territory that encompasses a number of elements linked by a common identity. The first is a building designed by Rafael Moneo, which serves as a management and information centre. This identity is completed with the plot-garden donated to the CDAN by Beulas, which will be transformed into a study and research centre. A second building is essential if the project is to achieve the high-profile it aspires to at both the national and international level. Finally, the landscape of Huesca also plays a vital role. A series of artistic interventions at carefully chosen sites around the province have already taken place within the framework of the Art and Nature project to create a ‘collection-route’. Up to this point, the project has been financed by the Huesca Provincial Council. Together these elements form a living space for art and nature.

In June 2009 a new intervention in the landscape got underway. The latest project, entrusted to artist Per Kirkeby, is the seventh work on the Art and Nature collection-route, to which internationally acclaimed artists Richard Long, Ulrich Rückriem, Siah Armajani, Fernando Casás, David Nash and Alberto Carneiro, have already contributed. These carefully selected artists have designed and constructed works conceived especially for specific sites in the landscape of Huesca. They were free to choose the sites for their works, subject only to the constraints imposed by the landscape itself and the budget available for each work.

The installation aims to form an open collection, to speak of the relationship between art and nature, and, more generally, between art and the environment, and to draw attention to the diversity of landscape found in Huesca. The plan is to create between eight and ten works that form a coherent group and have enough drawing power to encourage visitors and members of the public to follow a route that will take them through the territory of Huesca.
The CDAN will promote extensive debate on the intellectual plane with courses, publications, exhibitions, and a special emphasis on research. Drawing on the experience gained in implementing the Art and Nature project and offering five courses, directed by Javier Maderuelo,under the same title, the CDAN will now begin another cycle of five annual courses focusing on a more specific theme: landscape.The courses are aimed at analysing five areas in relation to the concept of landscape in order to more clearly define what landscape is and how it relates to thought, art, territory, history, and heritage.

The CDAN also has its own documentation centre, known as INDOC, to provide support for researchers and academics while also making the CDAN a vibrant, dynamic environment.This is a space for reflection and research on contemporary art, with particular emphasis on art and nature, public space, architecture, landscape studies, and related subjects. As a service of the CDAN, which is responsible for the legacy donated by painter José Beulas and for the Art and Nature collection-route, INDOC is used to carry out research on the donated works and the artists who created them. With the aim of becoming a leading centre for research on art and nature, INDOC is developing both onsite and online services that will help users learn about and gain greater insight into this field of contemporary artistic creation.
More information at:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

El Brau Blau (The Blue Bull)

Directed by Daniel V. Villamediana, 2008.
"El Brau Blau" (The Blue Bull)

A man in his thirties lives alone in a house in the country, some kilometres away from Barcelona. Totally isolated from modern society, from the noise and crowds of the city, he has made a space for himself, far from prying eyes. It is here that imagination and creativity can find free expression. Obsessed by bullfighting, he collects stones every day and takes them in a wheelbarrow to a meadow where he places them in a circle. He also draws horns on the concrete surface in front of his house, marks strategic locations with a cross and reads texts by famous writers about symbols relating to the world of «la corrida». Repeated on a daily basis, his actions become a form of ritual that give him satisfaction and a sense of wholeness.

Friday, February 18, 2011

ARCO 2011 Landscapes

David Hockney. Summer Sky. Inkjet printed computer drawing on paper. 2008.
Alex Katz. Oil on canvas.
Richard Estes. Oil on canvas.
Rafael Cidoncha. Construcción artística pequeña. 2008, oil on canvas 38 x 46 cm.
 Herve Coqueret
Minako Abe paintings. Oil on canvas.
 Iberia Quarries. Edward Burtynsky, 2006.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gerhard Richter: Painted Photographs

We know that the emergence of photography in the mid-19th century gave rise to heated debates on whether or not these new images could be considered a faithful reflection of reality, whether or not photography could be considered a new kind of art, and if so, whether this would signal the end of traditional pictorial representation. The passage of time has led photography to become a part of museum collections, and it has won the status of an independent art genre, a genre that has not only not displaced painting but that in fact engages in dialogue with painting in the oeuvre of many artists. In the works of Richter, all of them small-format, the artist draws simultaneously from painting and photography procedures to describe his everyday, private life. In the images that comprise "Painted Photographs", he acts on the original instant snapshots using a variety of painting techniques: sometimes he drags certain fragments of the photograph over still-wet paint so that the layers of oil form drawings with different textures and densities on the resulting work; other times, he places the photograph on a certain spot on the edge of the spatula and spreads paint over it, or he sprinkles drops of color over the snapshot or immerses the picture in diluted shellac. The multidisciplinary output of Gerhard Richter, born in Dresden in 1932, often offers unexpected associations that situate viewers between the public and private, the realistic and the abstract, and beckons them to reflect on whether what they are seeing can be regarded as a faithful copy or the artists subjective intervention. After working as an advertising and stage painter, Richter studied at his native citys Fine Arts Academy. During that period, he made a number of murals that were later painted over for ideological reasons when he had to flee from East Germany to seek refuge in the West. Since the early 1970s, his work, which shows influences from American Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art, has often been exhibited in Europe and the U.S.A. In 2002, New Yorks MoMA devoted a sweeping retrospective to his oeuvre, the most extensive one that this museum has ever held for a living artist.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cinema in Mongolia. Pure Landscape.

Hyazgar / Desert Dreams (Zhang Lu, 2007)
People in the village continue to leave town. Even Hungai’s wife ends up in leaving, due to their daughter’s illness. As Hungai drinks in despair and anguish, Korean refugee CHOI Soon-hee knocks at his door with her son, Chang-ho. Now there remain only these three in the desert, who have to depend on one another to overcome the hostile environment. The three get to know each other, even though they don’t speak the same language. Furthermore Jorick, a young tank soldier from the nearby Mongolian armored troops, becomes friends with Chang-ho as he frequents the village. Hungai’s relationship with CHOI Soon-hee grows in the fine line between love and friendship.

Mongolian Ping Pong (Ning Hao, 2005)
When young Bilike finds an ordinary ping pong ball, he and his friends take to flights of imaginative whimsy and embark on a journey to find the source of the mysterious unknown object. Bilike's old grandmother says the ball is a glowing pearl sent by the gods, but the boys are skeptical after it fails the test. Since none of their other family members are able to offer any more insight, the three boys trek to the faraway monastery to consult the wise lamas. But even the grasslands' most knowledgeable inhabitants are stumped. When a television show finally reveals that the object is the "national ball of China," the determined young scouts set off to return the ping-pong ball to the Chinese capital, where an even bigger adventure and more amusing trouble await them.

RC Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real)

Villanueva de los Infantes, a town in Campo de Montiel region in Ciudad Real. Declared a historic-artistic spot in 1974. With a population of approximately 6.000 people. It´s a quite village without traffic-lights and paved streets. It is the birthplace of Don Quixote and Quevedo died here. Situated over the south-west of the Central Meset, and with 840 meters of height. It´s close to Jaén (Andalucía), and two hours from Madrid, more less. Land of olives and vineyards, rabbits and hares, red partridges, and beautiful thistles in the Aquifer 23. One of the biggest subterranean water´s reserve in peninsula, with places as Ruidera´s lakes and Jabalón´s eyes. Contact: Fur Alle Falle

                                                  Villanueva de los Infantes View


Doctor Alberdi Square

Main Square


The Carpentry

common garden

View from water tank
Campo de Montiel Map
From Madrid to Villanueva de los Infantes Map

RC Ferreries (Menorca)

Ferreries is a small town in Menorca island (Baleares).
Its population is about 4,500 people and its extension is 66 square kilometers.
Close to Ferreries there are beaches of blue water, fine sand and lush vegetation in a Mediterranean forest environment. Contact: Manuel Pinar

Cala Galdana
Cala Fustam
View from Santa Águeda castle
Santa Águeda Castle
Ferreries View
Menorca Island Map

RC Villanueva del Duque (Córdoba)

Villanueva del Duque (Córdoba), a village in Los Pedroches valley, in the north of Córdoba. The town´s population is about 1,600 habitants. There are two emblematic spots: the ancient mines of El Soldado and Morras mines. José Jurado is the contact in this place.

Fuente Vieja (Old Fountain)
Verdinal Well
Dehesa Cross
El Soldado Mines
El Soldado old train station
San Gregorio Chapel
Square Church
Virgen de Guía Chapel
Inside of Virgen de Guía chapel
View of the town
Inside of the Church of San Mateo

Located in Los Pedroches Valley - Córdoba (Andalucía) - Maps