Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gerardo Custance

Gerardo Custance (Madrid, 1976)
The “Perímetro” series is a photographic exploration of the territories contained within an imaginary circular map with its centre in the capital of Spain and a radius of 150 kilometres. The collision between urban and rural landscape is the main thread running through a work that reflects on the interaction of human beings with natural spaces. In order to do this, Custance uses aesthetic resources that come from 19th century landscape painting and from neo-documentarism, an emerging trend in contemporary photography that studies, in the manner of social anthropologists, the signs and traces that define present-day society.
As presented by the author, the city of Madrid acts as the epicentre of a metaphorical earthquake whose damaging frequency extends across the areas surrounding it. The degree of damage suffered by the landscape with its proximity to the urban nucleus, while its traces become more blurred as we move away.
Text by Alejandro Castellote. Exist a published book with this work by EXIT Books.
More info at: http://www.30y3.com/eng/?cat=42

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